The mobilization of political dissatisfaction: causes, content and consequences

    Project: NWO project

    Project Details


    Politicians and political parties can respond in their communication to feelings of dissatisfaction that exist among parts of the population. This research shows how and to what extent they do this and what effects this communication strategy has on electoral support, political trust and polarisation on the one hand and on political decision-making processes on the other hand.


    Politici en politieke partijen kunnen in hun communicatie inspelen op gevoelens van ontevredenheid die leven onder delen van de bevolking. Dit onderzoek laat zien hoe en in welke mate zij dit doen en wat voor effecten dit heeft op electorale steun, politieke vertrouwen en polarisatie enerzijds en politieke besluitvormingsprocessen anderzijds.
    Effective start/end date1/09/23 → …


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