The influence of processing method on the pro-inflammatory properties of food and pathogenesis of food-related diseases

    Project: EU research project

    Project Details


    Food safety and quality is one of the major priority in the European Society. The food manufacturing may change the biological properties of food compounds. One of the most common interaction between proteins and sugars occurs during food processing is Maillard reaction. The products of this reaction named advanced glycation end products (AGEs) may influence on human health by the interaction with receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). In that way dietary derived AGEs may modulate the inflammatory pathways and play the role in the pathogenesis of variety diseases as allergy, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The aim of the research project is to establish the relationships between the processing technologies and pro-inflammatory properties of food. The influence of AGEs derived from soy processed flour on the pathogenesis of inflammation mediated via RAGE will be studied. The research project will connect the food technology and chemistry with molecular immunology. First part of research will focus on soy flour processing methods and technologies. Second and mean part of studies will focus on innovative, multilevel molecular studies of soy flour extracts. The experimental model will include the study of immunonmodulation on the intestinal level and immune level including: innate immune cells, allergy mediated cells and whole immune mononuclear cells presented in PBMC-model. The influence of soy extracts on expression of RAGE receptor and pro-inflammatory factors (NF-B, 100/calgranulin) and cytokine secretion will be determined. This complexity studies will provide the original information about pro-inflammatory potential of dietary compounds and may contribute to devise novel technological strategies to minimize formation of harmful compounds. Moreover, the achievements of multidisciplinary research on that field may contribute to improve the quality of life and reduction of economic costs caused by food-related diseases.
    Effective start/end date16/10/1215/07/15


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