Status kreeft en conch visserij op Statia (BO-11-011.05-026)

  • de Graaf, Martin (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In this two part study we conduct quantitative assessments of distribution abundance and population structures for the west Indian lobster and the Queen conch in the coastal areas of St. Eustatius. The study will show a) what the most important habitats are respectively for these two species, what average densities are in different habitats, an estimate of total stock size for Conch around St. Eustatius, the role of no-fishing marine reserves, insight into population structure, insight into the reproductive biology, insight in the current fishery and  what this may reveal regarding  stock replenishment and finally, an indication of total annual catches these fisheries should be able to sustain. The results will therefore provide management with critical insights needed for sustainable fishery management of these species and suggest ways and areas in which to possibly enhance abundance and fishery potential of these species.

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/14


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