Soil Property mapping (WOT-04-013-010)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The main aim of this project is to develop a strategy for mapping accurate and robust 3D soil properties for the Netherlands, flexible in terms of target variables and spatial scale and easy to update.

The sub-goals are:

1. developing and validating methods for 3D geostatistical prediction of soil properties (soil texture and organic carbon) down to a depth of 2 meters, at a resolution of 25 meters
2. developing decision criteria for detecting outdated soil data and quantifying the errors in the 3D geostatistical model due to the use of outdated soil data. We will derive functions describing the change of slowly dynamic soil properties over time and the effect on the uncertainty of the 3D geostatistical prediction model.
3. assessing the expected value of information (EVOI) for integrating soil detection data into the soil property mapping strategy for the Netherlands. To this end, we will use the EVOI to assess whether, where and when soil observations are expected to improve map quality and reduce uncertainty about local soil conditions by I) replacing old data or laboratory measurements and II) adding more sample locations and soil information based on distance and proximal bottom observed data. In addition, the EVOI will be compared to user ratings of information products, which will be of great value for communicating expected costs associated with specific user needs related to a change of support or increase in map accuracy.

Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/22


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