Senior Expert at Healthy and Sustainable Diets in Vietnam and Bangladesh

    Project: NWO project

    Project Details


    The Wageningen University & Research-led Flagship Research Programme Food Systems for Healthier Diets (FSHD) is part of the IFPRI-led CRP Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) and focusses on the interlinkages between dietary transitions and the dynamics of food system change (input supply, production, processing, retail) with the aim to provide evidence for food system innovations for healthier and sustainable diets. The proposed Senior Expert is Co-Cluster leader of Flagship Cluster of activities 1 (CoA1) on Diagnosis together with Bioversity International and works closely with CIAT and IFPRI in Vietnam and Bangladesh. The Senior Expert will 1) continue to co-lead and manage the activities within cluster 1 on Diagnosis, 2) carry out in-depth analysis and reporting on diet quality and dietary gaps in the FSHD focus countries, 3) provide nutrition expertise to the ongoing projects within the flagship on nutrition and diet quality (especially in cluster 2 on Innovations) and 4) do in-country supervision of three PhD candidates within this flagship doing research on Sustainable Diets in Vietnam (including development of a Healthy Eating Index) and on the role of fish in improvement of the quality of the diet of adolescents in urban slums in Bangladesh.
    Effective start/end date10/09/193/02/23


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