Safe and accessible greenhouse production of (fruit) vegetables in Ghana (Fresh Green Ghana)

    Project: NWO project

    Project Details


    Ghana knows temporal shortage of fresh (fruit) vegetables, leading to high prices for the poor and hence under-consumption. Also the use of pesticides and poor post-harvest hygiene causes much concern for consumers, leading to again lower consumption. Over the years, open field cultivation has failed to give a response to the perennial problem of shortage of fresh vegetables. Protected horticulture, enables economically and environmentally sustainable production through more and cheaper vegetables, generation of employment, and through the lower use of chemical crop protection agents. The project therefore intends to achieve improvement and enlargement of protected horticulture through data sharing and technology improvement in collaboration with growers. Subsequently the project addresses post-harvest challenges in poor communities by collaborating with local (female) market managers on data collection on quality decline and best-practice sharing. These activities lead to greater availability of fresh (fruit) vegetables for the urban poor in Ghana during the year.
    Effective start/end date1/10/1730/06/21


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