Review op baten Waddenzee muv visserij (HD3613, NAPRO) (BO-11-018.02-063)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The Ministry of Economic Affairs (being Chairman of the Management Board Wadden Sea), has requested LEI to further detail gross the revenues of the public and private sector that can directly be attributed to the management of the Wadden Sea, excluding fisheries.

The Wadden Sea is a nature reserve - and World Heritage Site - with a lot of (economic) shared utilization. Competing claims between nature and economic use are always lurking; the aim is to find a good balance by employing the principle of "who benefits, who contributes”. The goal is that (international) business that invests in the Wadden Sea regards it a matter-of-fact that they permanently and multiannually contribute to strengthening the management of the natural World Heritage Wadden Sea. In mid-2014 the Directive College Wadden Region, together with the Management Board Wadden Sea defined the Action Plan Improvement of Management Wadden Sea ("Cooperation Agenda management Wadden Sea"). The Collaboration Agenda outlines the steps that will improve cooperation in the short term. The ultimate goal is to work in 2018 as one administrator from a single Management and Development Plan for the area.

An overall picture of the costs and benefits is one of the a building blocks for the discussion on the (natural) management of the Wadden Sea and its funding by governments and private parties: who pays for it now, what does it cost and who is going to pay for it. To enable a proper discussion the figures must be as robust as possible. The report "“Onderzoek kosten en baten Waddenzee” (“Research costs and benefits Wadden Sea") by former DLG (2014 - 2015) forms the basis and starting point of the study; to review the results, relevant sources and interviews with key persons of interest groups will be consulted.

Effective start/end date1/01/1631/03/17


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