This project aims to develop PBK models that enable reverse dosimetry to translate internal biomarker data on the parent compound concentrations in wildlife rodents’ blood samples to external exposure levels for two selected pesticides, imidacloprid and carbendazim. To this end, PBK models for these 2 pesticides in rats and mice will be developed and evaluated. This project will unfold across three main stages, starting with the development of PBK models for the parent compounds imidacloprid and carbendazim, and their metabolites 5-hydroxy-imidacloprid and 2-aminobenzimidazole in rats and mice. Following this, the second stage involves an evaluation of these PBK models, utilizing existing in vivo data from literature, to assess their accuracy for laboratory rats and mice, while also exploring differences between these species. The third phase will specifically focus on the verification of the applicability of the PBK models developed for laboratory mice for use for wild-caught wood mice, aiming to uncover potential differences between species. Throughout all phases, there will be a critical evaluation of the potential applications and limitations of these PBK models for their use in wildlife biomonitoring.