Pilotstudie €ureyeopener Operationeel waterbeheer in deelgebied HHNK (KB-14-001-064)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The model the €ureyeopener is a unique model that calculates the water needs for regional waters, the chloride levels in regional waters and the drought and salt damage crops.

Version 1 has been set for Rhineland. This was a fairly coarse trays polder model and calculated no drought damage (salt damage only). Version 2.0 is designed for the ZW-delta. This was mounted on a frame basis and island / values. The model set-up proved useful and is used for state decision weather to allow salt in the  Volkerak Zoom meer (a big fresh water lake).

For North-Holland / HHNK the situation in terms of water and salinity unlike SW Delta. And from version 2.0 also met significant improvement to light. Version 3.0 will create a design on the plot level (because most data is available at this level) and zooms in on the capital-intensive cultivation of flower bulbs.

Now plenty of discussions about salt tolerance and related services levels is needed to calculate these changes with the €ureyeopener through support of new government policy, water agreements and regional water supply plans in the coming years.

Effective start/end date1/01/1431/12/15


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