''Application of standards, certification schemes and labels has positive long-term effects on the overall development of the European bio-based product market. Good product information that presents correct claims to industry and public procurers is vital for the usage of these new products. Ensuring the sustainable sourcing of raw materials and the effective bio-content are important additional steps for public confidence. Clear indication of their (comparative) functionality and the optimal possible end-of-life options, needs to underline their positive impact compared to the regular products. Finally, public acceptance comes with clear and harmonized labels on products and packages.
The Open-Bio project aims at increasing the uptake speed of standards, labels and harmonized product information lists for bio-based products. It covers research and demonstration on direct and indirect biomass content methods, biodegradability and ecotoxicity tests. Practical solutions for stakeholders, lab and field tests on for instance sampling or capability of being recycled or digested in a gasifier will be studied. Goal is to copy results one-to-one into European standards and product information lists. These form the basis for a database on bio-based products. A label will be developed in order to clearly distinguish bio-based products on the basis of the functionality laid down in standards. Both the information lists and the labels will be tested on their social acceptance via a set of target groups.
New research on isotopes, marine bio-degradation and intended end-of-life options such as digestibility and recyclability, distinguishes this project from an on-going FP7 project called KBBPPS. All partners thereof participate in Open-Bio. By participating in the Standardization Committee, CEN/TC 411, on ''Bio-based products'' (its Secretariat being one of the partners) and by doing pre- and co-normative research for them, Open-Bio allows the European stakeholders to progress.''