Open Innovation tool/living labs (KB-16-002.05-005)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Innovations are important to realize a more sustainable agriculture. Further diffusion of the
sustainability innovations however often fail to occur. The development of a tailor-made approach which involves farmers and other stakeholders and takes the diversity of (agricultural) entrepreneurs and their environment and the role of advisors into account, should help to establish a further and easier diffusion of sustainability innovations in practise. In 2012 emphasis has been on the development of a theory based framework for tailor-made interventions which involves farmers and other stakeholders and which takes the diversity of (agricultural) entrepreneurs into account. This framework iselaborated further in 2013. Additional information will be collected in 2013 and 2014, especially with regard to the influence of advisors and other stakeholders and the barriers
that farmers experience in their attempt to realize sustainable agriculture. The analysis will be used to formulate an advice for the stakeholders (dairy industry and other stakeholders involved) who aim for a sustainable dairy chain. This will be the basis for additional research and, if possible, the
testing of new, taylor-made interventions for dairy farmers to help them realize a more sustainable dairy farm. The output of the project exists of a theory based approach or ‘Open Innovation Tool’ which is tested in practise and which aims to design and apply sustainability innovations in practise.
If possible a congress paper or scientific article will be written as well.

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/14


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