Ondersteuning Cie Gezondheidsraad (BO-20-002-018)

  • van den Berg, Erik (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


No methodology  is available to assess the exposure of residents and bystanders. Therefore, the ministries of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure & Environment have asked the Health Council of the Netherlands to prepare an advisory report on this issue.

The project leader and his colleague Cor Jacobs have participated to meetings of the committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands. They have given scientific contributions to the work of the committee. A draft version of the advisory report have been made publicly available on the website of the Health Council on 30 July. Comments on this version could be sent to the Health Council until 1 October. In addition a second hearing was held with stakeholders to present their view on the draft advisory report. Thereafter, all comments have been discussed in the Committee and this has resulted in a number of changes and improvements of the advisory report.

The final advisory report about the risks of exposure of residents and bystanders due to agricultural use of plant protection products will be ready by January 2014. The report will be sent to the State

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/13


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