As part of the ‘Building the adaptive capacity and resilience of the forest sector in Cape Verde’ project implemented by the FAO and Ministry of Agriculture & Environment (Reforço da Capacidade de Adaptação e Resiliência no Sector Florestal em Cabo Verde, REFLOR-CV), field visits, community focus group diuscsisons, interviews and market assessments were undertaken to identify local, national and regional value chains of wild, natural and forest products, their values, trends, market size, supply and demand, threats and opportunities in three islands: Santiago, Boa Vista and Fogo. An analysis was made of how natural product value chains could be sustainably improved, including upgrading existing government nurseries in the target Islands to serve as centers for plant production for reforestation and rehabilitation of degraded forestland areas, and as livelihood improvement opportunities to benefit local people. The opportunities to enhance sustainable community forest and protected area forest management for livelihood improvement based on native and fruit trees and natural products was analyzed, and the opportunities to integrate natural products into the target Islands climate resilient forest management plans, adaptive planning techniques, sustainable land use and management and livelihood improvement opportunities for the benefit of local people.