Nationale Proeftuin Precisielandbouw 2.0 (NPPL 2.0) (BO-43-226-002, BO-43-120.01-004)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The NPPL project running from 2018 - 2021 ca 20 precision agriculture applications were introduced and demonstrated on Dutch field crop and dairy farms. Ca. 30 farmers applied the applications during this period. 

The NPPL 2.0 project aims to further support adoption of precision agriculture applications on Dutch farms.  The focus will be more on reginal challenges related to healthy soil, water management, biodiversity and reduction of emissions of fertilizers and persticides. Knowledge and technologies will be implemented on farms, and results will be monitored and communicated with stakeholders. 

Effective start/end date1/01/2131/12/25


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