NAPRO SMP 2009 Greenhouse design for climate conditions in the Kathamandu Valley of Nepal. (BO-69-002-006)

  • Baeza Romero, Esteban (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In the SMP desk study by Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture (GH) the local climate conditions can be linked to the design to study if the geometry and ventilation openings will result in the desired ventilation level preventing overheating and if needed the design will be adapted. Moreover, GH will advise on an on-line data collection system for indoor and outdoor climate conditions to be installed in the demo greenhouses with special attention to linking the equipment to internet allowing reading and analysis of the data at distance. An SMP visit to Nepal is needed to check the proper realisation of the demo greenhouses and to set up experiments on the growing strategies in the greenhouses. In these experiments Wageningen University MSc students will participate.

WageningenUR Greenhouse Horticulture has up to date know how and experience on both greenhouse design and greenhouse crop production for conditions all over the world.

Effective start/end date1/01/2031/12/21