NAPRO Klimaat sturen op de inhoud van het blad (BO-43-012.01-007, BO-20-021-037)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


One of the important principles of Het Nieuwe Telen is that the scarce light is optimally converted into assimilates, especially in a harvestable product. This makes it clear that the assimilate distribution should be controlled as much as possible in the direction of the fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers etc.) or flowers (roses, gerberas, etc.). The leaf package plays a double role in this: it is of great importance for the interception of light, for the process of photosynthesis that takes place therein and for the (temporary) storage of assimilates before they are transported to the harvestable products. On a daily basis, the assimilates must be optimally processed, whereby energy-causing conversions such as starch formation and remobilization thereof must be prevented as much as possible. Growers would prefer to see that at the moment that the leaves are picked, the leaf package is "drained" by the plant as much as possible, so that the assimilates and nutrients can be used at a different location in the plant. The only way to determine this up to now is to take leaf samples and have them analyzed. It would be desirable for a grower to be able to monitor the status of his crop momentarily in the greenhouse, and to use that to make decisions based on the greenhouse climate or cultivation measures.

Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/18


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