Naar een herstelde waterbalans (BO-43-212-006, BO-43-123-005)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In this project we will formulate an unambiguous definition for a restored water balance, in consultation with interested parties like LNV, I&W, BZK, UvW, IPO, VNG, LTO, VEWIN, VBNE, VNO-NCW, VEMW. Subsequently, with this definition in hand, we will investigate how to eliminate or diminish any imbalance.

We will develop a method for making an integral assessment how to bring the water system into balance in the future within a certain region. Besides technical aspects of the water system (geohydrology), this method takes into account the social and economic values of the various parts of the water system. By investigating the impact of long-term trends (such as climate, population growth, economic development) – trends without policy choices –, as well as the preferred future (so called normative scenarios), we can weigh potential bottlenecks and opportunities. A water balance tool to be generated helps us to quickly gain insight into water balances for a region and to explore the effects of possible measures on the water balance.

We test the methodology and tools in two sequented pilot areas, projected in the Eastern and/or Southern sandy soils.

Effective start/end date1/01/2231/12/25


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