Monitoring MKB levensmiddelen (BO-23.02-002-007, BO-12.06-002-012)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


SMEs are an important driver for economic growth. Innovations in the food and drink industry are important for strenghtening competitiveness and growth of employment. This is the common notion about the role of innovation, which has also been confirmed for many sectors by (foreign) research. In 2014 LEI has published a report about innovation in the Dutch food and drink industry with special attention to the role of SMEs (Van Galen et al., Dat smaakt naar meer! Innovatie in het Nederlandse levensmiddelen-mkb). The quetions that the research in 2014 did not yet answer is whether innovation has a positive influence on employment and turnover. That is the question that we try to answer in 2015. The results will be published in papers in (scientific) journals.

Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/15


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