Mogelijkeden voor weidegang Nederland - huiskavels (BO-20-019-027)

  • van den Pol-van Dasselaar, Agnes (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details



Over the past 15 years, the grazing of dairy cows decreased in the Netherlands. The pasturing of dairy cattle has come in full attention of society, dairy chain and dairy farmers. Whether and to what extent grazing is and remains technically feasible at Dutch dairy farms depends on a number of factors, but mainly on the pasture size of the parcels (grazing area of the farm) in relation to the number of dairy cows per farm.


The purpose of this study was to answer the following question:


  • To what extent, now and in the future, is grazing possible (technically as well as economically) on dairy farms in the Netherlands, given the size of the grazing area?




The research includes a number of interrelated activities:


  • Determination of criteria for grazing livestock (technically as well as economically) based on expert knowledge;
  • Determination of the grazing area per dairy cow in the most recent year for which data are available (2013) via two approaches:
    • GIS analysis of data from “Landbouwtelling” (a Dutch agricultural census) and “Basis Registratie Percelen” (registration of parcels);
    • Detailed analysis of data from the “Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)” of LEI Wageningen UR.
    • Description of trends in dairy farming based on expert knowledge;
    • Description of opportunities for grazing dairy cattle now and in the future;
    • Description of obstacles for practicing grazing with increasing farm scale and identification of possible solutions.


Effective start/end date1/01/1531/12/15


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