Migratieknelpunten schieraal (BO-20-010-015)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Based on modelling densities of yellow eel and habitat surfaces, an estimation is made on the potential silver eel migrating from the different water-systems in the Netherlands. Then loss rates at potential baariers (e.g. hydropowerstations, pumping stations, dams and weirs, sluices) the most important migratory routes were assessed. By combining the assesed loss rates with the potential silover eel numbers emerging from the different water systems, an estimation of maxumum silver eel loss per potential barrier was estimated. These were then ranked to form a silver eel barrier top 58. On top were the hydropower stations in the River Meuse, followed by a series of large pumping stations in the lower part of the Netherlands.

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/13


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