Micro-ring resonator-based biophotonic system for food analysis

    Project: EU research project

    Conference paper

    Search results

    • 2018

      BIOFOS: A micro-ring resonator-based biophotonic system for food analysis - Application to olive oil contaminants

      Romero, A., Ninot, A., Hermoso, J. F., Zergioti, I., Kouloumentas, C., Avramopoulos, H., Leeuwis, H., Schreuder, E., Graf, S., Knapp, H., Barthelmebs, L., Noguer, T., Tsekenis, G., Scheres, L., Smulders, M., Zuilhof, H., Heesink, G. & Reguillo, L., 30 Apr 2018, Proceedings of the 8th International Olive Symposium. Perica, S., Vuletin Selak, G., Klepo, T., Ferguson, L. & Sebastiani, L. (eds.). ISHS, p. 505-509 (Acta Horticulturae; vol. 1199).

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademicpeer-review