LWV22114 Circular Based Family Pig Farming in China (BO-69-001-009)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The Chinese organisation Changrong and Cargill China have approached a consortium of 5 Dutch companies (Annex 3) and Wageningen University and Research (WUR) to support them in the development of sustainable, circular based small and medium-sized pig farms in China. Changrong ’s ambition is to develop family-owned pig farm concepts as applied in the Netherlands, but adapted to local Chinese conditions. An important starting point for the development of these farms is to make optimal use of local residual and by-product streams from food and crops mainly produced for human consumption and to become less dependent on the import of feed raw materials from abroad. To be concrete, replacing part of the soyabean meal and corn which are mostly imported and subject to high price fluctuations with local accessible, lower priced , and circular-based materials in the feed formula of pigs.

Effective start/end date1/01/2331/12/26