LIAISE – linking Impact Assessment Instruments to Sustainability Expertise. FP7 Network of Excellence (KB-14-004-013, KB-01-006-041)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The main objective of the FP7 Network of Excellence LIAISE (2009-2014) is to support evidence based policy making by bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners in the field of impact assessment (IA) in a way that leads to an enhanced use of IA tools in the policy making process. This requires the development of a durable community of researchers and practitioners with:

  • A better understanding of IA processes
  • A shared research agenda
  • A shared toolbox
In 2014 the project will be completed. Main achievements so far were:
  • Extensive survey on IA in EU and MS
  • Extensive survey of contributions from research
  • Improved models and their application in test cases, e.g. in renewal of European soil policy
  • Toolbox with contextualised descriptions of IA knowledge
  • Shared research agenda
  • Policy Board
  • Rich findings from test cases
The main lesson learned is that the relevancy of research for Sustainable Development is ensured by contextualisation of research and dialogue between policy and science.   This will be elaborated in a Vision on IA for SD and a Charter to be signed by partners who wish to participate in a future Network (a Centre of Excellence) on IA for SD.
Effective start/end date1/01/0931/12/14


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