Lerend Netwerk Vernieuwing Natuurbeleid voor provincies NAPRO (BO-43-108-006, BO-43-022-001, BO-11-021-001, BO-11-013-009)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In June 2018, at request of the IPO Nature Policy working group, we started a learning network of active policymakers from provincial governments to exchange knowledge and experiences about innovations in nature policy. These innovations can be about improving biodiversity, strengthening social involvement in nature and strengthening the connection between the economy and nature. The aim is to make it easy for policymakers to question and help each other with the renewal of (provincial) nature policy. In this way, we give shape to the recommendation from the first Evaluation of the Nature Pact that provinces can do more on joint learning. We focus on practice-oriented learning about concrete themes and examples that play a role in provincial practice, if desired combined with scientific knowledge and reflection. We organize meetings that sometimes involve digital knowledge products. We work at different levels of exchange and learning: information and knowledge transfer; sharing experiences and insights; learning about skills; and reflection on attitude, behavior and underlying beliefs. Knowledge products and reports of the learning sessions are collected on the website www.vernieuwingnatuurbeleid.nl and distributed via a newsletter.

Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/23