Kennisimpuls Bestuivers - fase 1 (BO-43-104-027, BO-43-102.02-002, BO-43-011.06-007, BO-20-003.03-002)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Kennisimpuls Bestuivers aims to develop and share knowledge on efficient protection and promotion of (wild) pollinating insects, in order to allow them to keep fullfulling their important role in both food production and natural ecosystems. The programme has a strong link with the Dutch National Pollinator Strategy, a nation wide initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with over 80 partners. The programme is executed by Wageningen UR, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and EIS.

The key goal of the project is to enhance the efficacy of initiatives that aim to protect pollinators and/or boost pollination services, by compiling and sharing existing both novel and existing research output to a wide audience. Means of communication vary, but have a solid basis in a number of learning networks at both the farm and regional level. 

Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/24


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