KD-2018-090 Verbeteren selectiviteit garnalenvisserij (BO-43-023.02-034)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Under the Common Fisheries Policy a landing obligation for quota species will be introduced gradually. It is expected that by the end of 2019, the brown shrimp fishery will also be subject to this new regulation. This fishery various quota species are caught as by-catch; plaice in particular can be a substantial part of this by-catch. In addition, as part of the North Sea Coastal Fisheries Agreement, the Dutch government, fishing industry and environmental NGOs have made agreements to minimize by-catch in the shrimp fishery.

This project is aimed at encouraging the development of more selective shrimp fisheries. It is carried out in cooperation with the fishing industry, the German research institute Thünen and Wageningen Marine Research. Like last year the German research institute Thunen has made their research vessel available to conduct a research cruise to further develop of selective measures in shrimp fisheries. In this cruise selective grids will be further developed and an alternative for the sieve net will be tested. Joining this cruise as Netherlands is important for the international cooperation and exchange of knowledge. Vissersbond, VisNed and WMR are working on a project proposal for cooperation in shrimp fisheries for the next EFMZV call in september which also involves stimulating international research cooperation.

Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/18


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