KD-2018-030 Pilot Methode FCM Stoppen met routinematig couperen van varkensstaarten (BO-43-013.01-016)

  • van den Broek, Eva (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The test case provided insight in preconditions, do's and don'ts and the time frame of the method. We propose four ways in which the use of the FCM instrument can add value to policy dossiers.

  1. Exploration

When applied early in the policy process, the method can be applied to identify knowledge gaps and give an indication of the most influential factors. 

  1. Participation
  2. If stakeholders’ stances differ, FCM can be a joint process to arrive at a shared worldview. Prior to negotiation, a discussion about the strength of relations between factors may provide more understanding for policy measures.


  1. Reality check If a Theory of Change has already been developed, a more extensive variant of FCM may serve to establish the policy space or explore the potential effects of available instruments.
  2. This is the approach that has been applied to the current case. A comparison between two maps may serve as a starting point for the exploration of different research methods: qualitative research, agent-based or econometric modeling or a behavioral experimental approach.
  3. Determining policy space

    When a Theory of Change has already been developed, a more extensive variant of FCM may serve to establish the policy space or explore the potential effects of available instruments.

Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/18


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