KD-2018-009 Kennisbijdrage Brood en Spelen (BO-43-022-003)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The College of National Advisors in the Netherlands takes the initiative to organise a  contest for spatial designers which have to lead to new ideas and new
energy for the rural areas in North Brabant/Limburg and of
Gelderland/Overijssel. The contest called 'Brood & Spelen'.The purpose of the contest is
to create space for experiments and innovative breakthroughs.

The organisation of the contest is in cooperation with several regional parties. In addition to
support the contest with knowledge and data about the rural areas a number of knowledge partners in the contest involved. Wageningen Environmental Research is asked to support the competition teams and the
competition process with knowledge and data.

Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/18


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