Kader Richtlijn Marien / Gebieden (t2+NAPRO) (BO-11-018.02-005, BO-11-011.04-005)

  • Slijkerman, Diana (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive is on full speed. In 2015 a programme of measures needs to established. This programme, including spatial protection measures has to be implemented in 2016, in order to achieve Good Environmental Status in 2020.

Currently, the seafloor of the deep and silty part of the Dutch part of the North Sea -the Frisian Front and Oystergrounds- is not yet protected. This ecosystem is important due to its high biodiversity. Conservation of these areas will contribute to the Good Environmental Status in terms of maintaining biodiversity, healthy foodwebs and seafloor integrity. Therefore, these areas are assigned as search areas for spatial conservation measures.

The project aims for 2015 are to estimate the effects of displacement of fisheries on the benthic ecosystem, which may happen when the above mentioned areas will be closed to fisheries. 

Effective start/end date1/01/1131/12/15


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