International exchange (KB-14-012-024)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


IMARES active participation and contribution to 17 ICES lead workshops and study groups on fisheries, fish ecology, stakeholder involvement, evolutionary effects of fishing, development of new survey methods and age reading. This brought in added value and technology transfer to the Netherlands.

IMARES personnel participated in the following networks and ICES groups:

Data and Information Group (former WGDIM), Working Group on Integrative Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling, Working Group on Fisheries-Induced Evolution, Workshop on the Value of Coastal Habitats for Exploited Species, Working Group on Methods of Fish Stock Assessments, Working Group on Maritime Systems, Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish, Study Group on Electrical Trawling, Working group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Egg Surveys (former SGSIPS), Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics and Technology, Study Group on Calibration of Acoustic Instruments in Fisheries Science, Workshop of National Age Readings Coordinators, Working Group on Integrating Surveys for the Ecosystem Approach, Workshop on DATRAS data Review Priorities and checking Procedures, Working Group on Cod and Plaice egg surveys in the North Sea, Workshop on the Age Reading of Blue whiting, Third Workshop on practical implementation of statistical sound catch sampling programmes.

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/13


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