Integration of direct air capture and biological processes for sustainable production of methane

Project: PhD

Project Details


Motivation: Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) is one of the strategies proposed for mitigating dependency on fossil resources. Direct air capture (DAC) technologies are able to capture CO2 directly from ambient air [1]. The captured CO2 can be used as commodity for multiple purposes or as a carbon feedstock for chemical production. A particularly interesting product is methane. With CO2 and H2 as feedstock, biomethanation reactors are able to produce grid-quality (>95%) methane [2]. Biological CO2 methanation take place in anaerobic, mild conditions [3], with pH range between 6.2-8.5 and temperature between 35-40°C (mesophilic) or 55-65°C (thermophilic), according to the following reaction, 4
Effective start/end date31/10/21 → …


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