Integrale strategieën voor het realiseren van natuurkwaliteit (BO-43-108-007)

Project: LNV project

Project Details


Central to the project is a national analysis of bottlenecks for nature quality in Natura 2000 sites and of conservation targets within and outside Natura 2000. To this end, levels of ambition for nature quality are first defined for the whole spectrum between dark green (Natura 2000) and pale green nature (rural area in agricultural use). This will be coordinated with projects on nature-inclusive agriculture and insights into a basic quality of nature. At the same time, known bottlenecks for strengthening and developing nature quality are spatially mapped.

A landscape-ecological perspective and corresponding scale level form the basis for the analysis and formulation of strategies and measures for strengthening and developing nature quality. Spatial cohesion, exchange, risk spreading and enlargement of habitats on a landscape scale are crucial. The landscape approach requires an unambiguous landscape assessment framework for bottlenecks, conservation targets and levels of ambition. The national Landschappelijke Bodemkaart (a landscape-oriented soil map) is made available for this purpose: a national classification of physical-geographic regions, sections and series.

In 2021 (year 1) necessary building blocks for the implementation of the project have been collected, closely linked to ongoing developments in related projects (e.g. on the concept of ‘basic quality of nature’, pressure factors for Natura 2000 site-level conservation status, species lists for evaluating the conservation status of habitat types). A start has also been made on working up the landscape restoration strategies developed within the PAS (“Part III”), in which the different ambition levels for nature quality are taken into account (for inside and outside Natura 2000).

In 2022, work continues on the integration of building blocks for mapping opportunities for enhancing nature quality in relation to pressures within and outside Natura 2000. It will also be examined to what extent pilots/case studies can be set up together with related projects (BO , WOT). Landscape restoration strategies, as drawn up for the PAS, are being adapted and further elaborated, also for use outside Natura 2000 (NNN, rural area). This process will continue in 2023, when an inventory will also be made of the necessary monitoring, governance aspects and experimental remedial measures. In the final year 2024, the analyses will be translated into recommendations for strengthening and developing nature quality within and outside Natura 2000, for the necessary monitoring and experimental measures and with regard to governance aspects.

Effective start/end date1/01/2131/12/24


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