Innovation, implementation and of the ‘health movement’ ‘All about Health’: an action-oriented evaluation.

Project: Staff

Project Details


Following up on an exploratory evaluation of All about Health (AAH) in 2015-2016, we are conducting an action-oriented research study into the processes and outcomes of AAH. The main research questions are:
1. How can, and do partners of AAH consolidate and sustain their initiatives and resulting benefits and enhance the ongoing experimentation and social innovations for health?
2. How can the relationship between the 'transformative movement' and health be operationalised and analysed, and how does this increase our understanding of how this movement contributes to the goals and ambitions of AAH?
The first question is analysed using a qualitative multiple case study design with a quantitative social network analyses at different levels and scales. The second question is investigated by means of a participatory Health Impact Assessment using system dynamic modelling. Both studies contribute thirdly to an action-oriented design of interactive partner dialogues, participatory observations in the AAH program office and strategic program council, a strategic stakeholder analysis, and local experimentation with partners on responsive monitoring and evaluation. Finally international comparison enables a translation of methods, indicators en other conditions to the Dutch AAH context. Preliminary findings are shared to enable drawing implications for practice adaptations. 
Effective start/end date1/04/181/04/22


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