Inclusive Biobased Innovation: Securing sustainability and supply through farmers’ involvement (IBIS)

Project: Staff

Project Details


Present business models for biorefineries and production of chemicals and biofuels depend on low feedstock costs and reliable supply, and sustainable biomass production needs changes in agricultural practices that add value for biomass producers. Reconciling the targets of sustainable supply security and value creation for farmers as well as viable business models requires alignment of actors and inclusion of farmers and foresters in the value chain. Such alignment is guided by explication of values on just distribution; sustainability; and trust.

The main question of this research is: How can biobased value chains be designed to secure sustainable supply of bioresources, improve agricultural management and align farmers’ values, interests, knowledge and concerns with the socio-economic and technical requirements of other partners in the chain?

To answer this question we will study non-technological factors for failure and success in the development of novel biobased value chains in the Netherlands. Then, we will compare four case studies for different feedstocks in the US, Brazil, South Africa and Jamaica for local production and/or export. We will also map various relevant actors and their particular interests and perspectives through interviews and surveys and identify structural and local specific challenges and solutions. We will arrive at a model for the improved inclusion of farmers to achieve commercial biobased value chains in various contexts by using the Value Sensitive Design framework.
Effective start/end date1/06/1730/05/20


  • South Africa


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