Improving and promoting the use of Moringa oleifera leaves for a better maternal and early childhood nutrition in Benin (FortiMoringa)

    Project: NWO project

    Project Details


    Almost 45% of children under 5 in Benin are stunted. Anaemia and micronutrients malnutrition cause much suffering among vulnerable groups in Benin, especially women and children in rural areas. THP-B actively promotes moringa leaves powder (MLP) to alleviate malnutrition in rural Benin. However, the current MLP production chain is jeopardized by upstream, downstream and other constraints. This project addresses the sustainable production, processing, certification and use of moringa-based products. The project will be carried out in an interdisciplinary setting that addresses all important links of the production chain: (i) optimization of cultivation and harvesting of moringa leaves, (ii) improvement of MLP chain, (iii) formulation and efficacy study of novel MLP-based food, (iv) certification and promotion of moringa products. Capacity building is planned for 6 Msc students and women’s associations in THP-B epicentres. The total cost of the project is 374.74 k€ for 3 years.
    Effective start/end date15/01/1715/05/21


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