Het nieuwe gewas (KaE) (BO-20-021-002, BO-20-003-033)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


  For growth and production of flowers and vegetables, a Leaf Area Index (leaf surface per surface area) larger than 3 m2 / m2 is assumed to obtain optimum light utilization.From practical experience and from model simulations it is known that it is important how this LAI came into being.

The general hypothesis for this research is that with an open crop structure and a lower LAI of approx. 2, good light utilization and higher light efficiency can be achieved compared to a normal crop structure and an LAI that is approximately 3 in a fully grown crop.

The biomass production measured in kg of dry matter was the lowest for the very open crop, but the distribution of this over fruits and plants was more towards the fruits in the very open crop. As a result, this crop produced the most in the winter under assimilation lighting. In the summer, the standard treatment was the best and the production in this treatment became the highest. The plants in the very open treatment remained shorter with smaller leaves than the plants of the standard treatment. This can be explained by a changed red: far red ratio of the light in the crop. Leaf picking at a young stage contributes to better control of assimilates to the fruits. This can be used as a crop management measure if the plant develops too much leaf in the winter.
Effective start/end date1/01/1431/12/17


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