HD3546 Natuur inclusief bouwen op zee (BO-11-013-029)

  • Lelieveld, Charlotte (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Nature inclusive building at sea

The North sea is heavily used by different industries. These activities can have negative consequences on the ecological systems on sea. We want to focus whether economic developments and nature can actually be profitable for one another.  Is it possible that economic activities on the North sea actually increase biodiversity and build new healthy ecosystems. Can foundations of windmills and platforms, extraction of resources also create new habitats for life in the sea? How can we further optimize this by designing construction that enhance the natural life in seas?

An important challenge is the transition from the one-dimensional use of the environment and resources to a circular process. The use of nature inclusive sea indicates that new business models are required. Interesting innovation can be realized by connecting (new) activities, while using existing natural processes.

Smart seas

Large amounts of data is collected by different parties and organisation at the Northsea. This data can serve as a tool of innovation that is largely undeveloped. How can this data and technology development supports nature at sea? By connecting data and create open data new innovative solutions and insights can be created that create opportunities for the use of the Northsea as well as nature preservation and development .  

Effective start/end date1/07/1431/12/14


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