HD3520 Vergroening GLB en invulling Ecological Focus Area's (BO-11-014.01-005)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In 2014 the greening of the CAP will get more concrete. Farmers have to destine 5% of their area as and 'ecological focus area'(EFA) This can be done at individual farm level, but also within a group of farmers (collective). In the current project two representative case studies will show how the EFA measure can be put in practice, both individually as collectively. The project will show in what way the measure can be applied, for the benefit of biodiversity and nature, but also for landscape values.

In both areas three possible ways of implementation of the EFA measure are compared. The ways for which collaboration is required have the best potential to contribute to landscape values. But also individual implementation can contribute to landscape quality.

Effective start/end date1/01/1431/12/14


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