Groepshuisvesting kraamzeugen en hun biggen (BO-22.04-001-016)

  • van der Peet-Schwering, Carola (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details



Goal of the project is to develop a economic sustainable group housing system for lactating sows and her piglets. Group housing during lactation may benefit welfare of sows and their piglets by better enabling the expression of natural behaviors, related with freedom of movement, exploration of the surroundings and interaction among sows and piglets. Group housing provides an improved control of nursing behavior by the sows and facilitates social learning of the piglets from the sow. Group housing of sows is often combined with pre-weaning mixing of litters, which more closely resembles natural conditions, benefits the social development of piglets  and may consequently facilitate adaptation to weaning. This may results in piglets that have more social skills and have less health and behavorioul problems. The research focuses on the following aspects:


1) layout of the pen: where ly sows and piglets and where are they active


2) piglets: piglet mortlaity, daily gain, social learning;


3) sows: activity around parturition, length of parturition, suckling behaviour;


4) pig farmer: safety of the pig farmer and ease of handling the animals


Effective start/end date1/01/1531/12/15


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