Groene groei en ecosysteemdiensten (KB-24-003-008, KB-14-003-029)

  • Brouwer, Floor (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


ECO-ZEO aims at the development of a new pool of Green Crop Protection Products (efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable) for agriculture, to be used as a coating of the leaves and fruits. Such green products will deliver a wide range of beneficial effects in terms of water efficiency, control of pests and diseases, reduction in pesticide use, increase of crop yield and tolerance to abiotic stress.

ECO-ZEO will be achieved by means of a new innovation process in agricultural green products based on the alliance of Academia, Agro-Biotech SMEs and Industry. A new pool of S/T knowledge for continuous development, enabling applications for different crops, threats, production systems and scenarios will be made available by the agents engaged in this scheme. Such a pool will comprise research methodologies and best practices for the development of new products and assessment of their sustainability.

Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/16


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