Exploring beyond farm management Opportunities to reduce information asymmetry and systemic risks in Vietnamese aquaculture

Project: PhD

Project Details


Beyond farm management through cooperation already exists in programs to improve the sustainability of aquaculture. These beyond farm approaches could function as a steppingstone for improved risk management in aquaculture, thereby potentially enabling risk financers, such as insurance companies, to re-enter the aquacultural sector again. In turn, if well-designed, risk sharing instruments could also stimulate sustainable development of a sector by reducing the downside risk of sustainable investments for financers, farmers, and other value chain partners. This project focuses on the aquaculture sector (more specifically small-scale shrimp farming). Aquaculture has a critical responsibility in addressing food security for the global population growth, while also maintaining sustainable ecosystems, economies and societies . Moreover, its related activities offer opportunities to alleviate poverty and hunger, increase employment, generate income and livelihoods for a majority of communities across the world, including the small-scale aquaculture producers. The purpose of this project is therefore to explore how beyond farm management enables to address systemic risks and information asymmetry. I use three analytical dimensions for my exploration: socio-spatial connectivity, information practices and beyond farm cooperation strategies. To explore how beyond farm management enables to address systemic risks and information asymmetry, this project uses various quantitative and qualitative methods to collect and analyse data.
Effective start/end date15/01/1615/11/22


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