EPPN2020 will provide European public and private scientific sectors with access to a wide range of state-of-the-art plant phenotyping facilities, techniques and methods. It will aid the community in progressing towards excellence across the whole phenotyping pipeline, involving sensors and imaging techniques, data analysis in relation to environmental conditions, data organization and storage, data interpretation in a biological context and meta-analyses of experiments. It builds upon the starting community project EPPN and will coordinate its activities with the ESFRI infrastructure EMPHASIS and with national programs.EPPN2020 involves: - Access to 31 key installations (15 infrastructures), chosen for excellence and avoidance of redundancy, with capacity of hundreds of genotypes and dedicated to innovative non-invasive measurement of traits at different levels of plant organization.- Three Joint Research Activities. JRA1 develops novel techniques and methods for environmental and plant measurements, in particular for assessing the spatial variability of environmental conditions in each platform. JRA2 develops tools for statistical analysis of phenotyping experiments across platforms and scales of plant organization. JRA3 develops a European Phenomic Information System, based on novel information technologies and standardization strategies. - Networking Activities. NA1 organises access and selection of projects, NA2 establishes cooperation and increases integration between facilities both within and outside EPPN2020.EPPN2020 (i) extends the infrastructure offered to the community; (ii) develops synergies between infrastructures and cross fertilization between disciplines, via common experiments in JRAs; (iii) builds a European information system to manage the information generated by installations, with an open data strategy; (iv) provides training at all career levels; (v) is closely linked with industry, both SMEs providing technology and breeding companies