EU23064 Turning the Tide (BO-65-102-001)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


This project ‘Turning the Tide’ will be implemented along Aruba’s coast and can become a model for nature restoration in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

The marine environment of Aruba is key to environmental resilience, the tourism and fisheries sectors but the marine park authority needs help to turn the tide of environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. This project will kick-start hands-on rehabilitation of Aruba’s spatially linked coral reefs and mangroves, through excavation of trapped sediment, opening of mangrove channels, construction of artificial coral reefs and outplanting of corals from a local coral nursery. A 20 minutes documentary will be developed for awareness raising purposes. Project monitoring results will provide key information for evidence-based policy making and management decisions, leading to a resilient marine environment of benefit to all. The enduring Aruban-Dutch partnership for nature will continue after project finalization to achieve ultimate project impact. The project will deliver scientifically sound knowledge about coastal restoration techniques, stakeholder participation and awareness raising.  

Effective start/end date1/01/2331/12/23