Epitrix (BO-20-002.01-002, BO-20-020-002, BO-20-002-023)

  • Booij, Kees (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The quarantine potato flea beetle species Epitrix cucumeris and Epitrix similaris invaded Portugal some 10 years ago. To prevent further spread of these species that can do considerable harm to potato plants and tubers is one priorities in invasive pest control. Therefor monitoring and identification methods are developed to support surveys in several European potato growing countries including the Netherlands.

The current project aims at finding effective plant or insect produced odours that can effectively attract Epitrix and be applied in monitoring. Potentially attractive odours are being collected and tested in this project in combination with flea beetle adapted traps. Experiments will be done both at laboratory and field level.


Effective start/end date1/01/1431/12/16


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