Enhancing Kersting's groundnut (Macrotyloma geocarpum) production and marketability in Benin (Projet Doyiwé)

    Project: NWO project

    Project Details


    The cultivation of Kersting’s groundnut (KG), a well appreciated food crop in Benin, is challenged by poor agronomic practices and lack of quality seeds leading to low yield and poor quality products. Following a science-based value chain approach, the complementary expertises of consortium members, SOJAGNON, UAC/FSA-LEA, Benin-Bioversity International, WUR/MCB, and BAIH-Sarl, will be leveraged to co-create quality seeds of consumer-preferred KG varieties and enhance market linkages in order to enhance KG’s production and market value in Benin. This project will contribute to the promotion of inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector by strengthening the KG value chain, improving farmers’ incomes, processors’ productivity, and consumers’ food security. The project activities and results will be disseminated further to secondary stakeholders through workshops, scientific publications, policy briefs, technical manuals, and leaflets. The overall cost of the 36-month project is EUR 359,452.
    Effective start/end date1/10/1730/04/21


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