Duurzame energielandschappen en ecosysteemdiensten voor Schouwen-Duiveland (KB-14-004-049)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Renewable energy landscapes and ecosystem services Schouwen-Duiveland Schouwen-Duiveland strives to be self-sufficient in renewable energy by 2040. To achieve this, the island will design sustainable energy landscapes but at the same time maintaining relevant ecosystem services. The project aims to develop such a sustainable energy planning on the base of input from stakeholders such as government, business , civil society organizations , citizens' groups and research institutions .

Objectives Aim of the project is to develop knowledge wich contributes to the design of sustainable energy landscapes on Schouwen-Duiveland while maintaining relevant ecosystem services. The focus is on sustainable energy for various forms of land use and water management. Examples of land use forms on Schouwen-Duiveland with a large energy and water demand are recreation and tourism, health and wellness, nature conservation and land-based agriculture. Water management activities for which energy is needed are for instance locks in rivers and canals, stows for groundwater management and the infrastructure between fresh and salt water (e.g. dikes, bridges, locks etc.) .

Results A rough estimates of the future renewable energy demand was calculated at 3525 TJ for the year 2040. Present an planned renewable energy sources contributes for about 25% to the future demand. This means that robust additional energy technologies are necessary to fulfil future demand. Wind and solar energy thus will play an important role in this. However, both energy sources have spatial implications on landscape quality and production of other valuable ecosystem services such as food. Further research and stakeholder consult have to clarify more about technologies and locations to be chosen.

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/14


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