CAPMAT: Next generation MATerials via controlled CAPillary suspensions

    Project: NWO project

    Project Details


    Capillary suspensions feature networks of liquid bridges between particles suspended in two immiscible liquids. This emerging energetically-driven phenomenon has the potential to revolutionize materials design and to fundamentally change food technology, oil-water separation processes, and pharmaceutical industries. However, the progress towards the design of new materials and true market applications is limited by our poor understanding of how to control the structure and rheological behavior of capillary suspensions. The aim of CAPMAT is to lay the foundation for a robust control of the rheological properties of capillary suspensions allowing to produce cost-effective and eco-friendly materials with unprecedented mechanical features.

    To achieve this goal, we propose a development strategy based on a combination of novel experimental techniques and multi-scale numerical simulations. On the experimental side, using tunable capillary forces to control the structure of the suspensions, we will unravel their rheological characteristics, link them to the physical and chemical properties of the primary materials, and design oil suspensions and oil gels for healthier food products without solid fat. Fast 3D imaging of shearing experiments will also provide new answers on the puzzling nucleation and growth dynamics of capillary bridges within the suspensions. On the numerical side, CAPMAT will establish for the first time molecular-based mesoscopic models for capillary suspensions, enabling reliable predictions of their rheological behavior over a wide range of particle–fluids combinations, based on atomistic-scale information of their elementary constituents. The models will immensely accelerate the experiments, unravel the dynamics at the microscopic scale, and allow to formulate design principles for next generation new materials.

    The applicants combine multidisciplinary experience in rheology, granular matter, multiscale modeling, molecular dynamics and chemical engineering –- all relevant for CAPMAT being successful -- substantially expanding the fundamental understanding of capillary suspensions while promoting healthier food products and cleaner environment.
    Effective start/end date15/01/21 → …


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