Bodem en Water als duurzame productiefactoren voor akkerbouw en veehouderij (BOGO) (BO-11-001-020)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


In many regions, farmers and research is cooperating in both practical short term knowledge transfer projects as long term soil system research. The focus in the dairy sector is more on soil quality characteristics for clay, peat and sandy soils. In arable farming there is focus on increasing the organic matter content, irrigation, soil compaction, cultivation. soil heatlh, pH etc.. In most projects also intermediate parties, processing companies, product trading companies are involved. Improving soil reliance and increasing economic benefits are the main drivers.

 The objective of this project is to:

1. structurize available teaching material according to an integral soil perspective based on fysical, chemical and biological aspects, including recent developed knowledge and experiences.

2. to develop an inspiring teaching environment for students in MBO and HBO arable and dairy sector.

Effective start/end date1/01/1531/12/15


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