Biomonitoring (KB-37-002-014, KB-23-002-029)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Biomonitoring is the measurement of (effects of) toxic substances, or derivatives thereof (biomarkers) in biological materials such as urine, blood, breast milk or hair. It provides possibilities to assess the exposure of humans to toxicants through food and other routes. Biomonitoring data can be used for risk assessment and to verify the efficacy of measures to reduce exposure to toxic substances (validation of policy).


WFSR participates in a major H2020 initiative in the field of human biomonitoring, HBM4EU (duration: 2017- June 1, 2022). The aim of the project is to demonstrate the possibilities/added value (and limitations) of biomonitoring for exposure research and risk assessment, especially of food-related contaminants, such as pesticides and PFAS. In this project, WFSR is working on a number of topics in different work packages. This work plan concerns the activities in WP14 (“Effect biomakers”), in particular Task 14.2 (“Experimental research to support human effect biomarkers”). In 2020 and 2021, experimental research was conducted in collaboration with RIVM to determine and interpret the in vitro effect of different PFAS on triglyceride/cholesterol metabolism in the human liver. This has been done by analyzing gene expression, determining triglyceride levels and measuring PFAS concentrations in liver cells. The results will be processed in a joint WFSR-RIVM publication in the first half of 2022.

Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/22


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