Bijdrage van natuurinclusieve landbouw aan andere opgaven (BO-43-104-006)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


An important pillar within the Mission-Driven Innovation Programme (MMIP) A5 Biodiversity in Circular Agriculture is to gain more insight into the causal relationships between agriculture and biodiversity with special attention to how nature-inclusive agriculture can be a part of the solution for realizing the sustainability challenges of the rural area. Insights that are needed to achieve policy integration of nature-inclusive agriculture with climate mitigation and adaptation, limiting nitrogen load, wetting peat meadow, increasing soil biodiversity and limiting the use of artificial fertilizers and crop protection products.

To do justice to this great diversity in forms of nature-inclusive agriculture, we want to develop different development directions of nature-inclusive agriculture in scenarios. In addition, we want to quantify the contribution of these forms of nature-inclusive agriculture to these sustainability goals as much as possible

Effective start/end date1/01/2131/12/24


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